Congratulations! Below You Will Discover How To 10X Your Income in 90 Days
These 2 Little Known Secrets Will
Drive Your Business At Rocket Speed
The big dogs know two things you don’t. Not knowing these two secrets is most likely keeping your business small. At the same time it grows their business like a virus.
Those guys with huge businesses don’t have more hours than you. They don’t have more arms than you. They don’t have more drive than you.
Successful Home Business Owners USE two secret activities everyday that you don’t. That IS the difference between the HUGE size of their business and yours.
Don't Worry though, we have you covered with everything you need to know below
The owners of giant Network Marketing businesses are not some specially gifted genius race living among the rest of humanity.
No, they are regular people who when told of tools and methods which leverage their effort into super results….they listen and put the methods into action.
They don’t just say “yeah that’s cool, one day I’m gonna do that” No that’s what the people who fail say.
The winners say nothing. They just go and apply the method and enjoy the results.
Here’s the two methods they use to get the spectacular business growth most people can only dream about.
Secret #1 Don’t Make The First Call To Your Leads
Yeah I know, it sounds crazy! To be clear, I’m not talking about if you purchase any of our Phone Interviewed Leads. They are definitely designed to be called as soon as you get them. But, bear with me and let me explain what I’m talking about.
Successful people with big, fast growing businesses truly respect their own time. They know it should never be squandered by doing mundane tasks which can be outsourced to others. Think about this, If your goal is to be paid $100,000 per year. You probably only want to work 20 hours per week and have 4 weeks vacation. then how much is your hourly rate?
$100,000 divided by 48 weeks equals $2,083 per week. Now remember you only want to work 20 hours per week that comes out at $104.16 per hour.
Successful people do not do work that pays $10 per hour, they find a different way to get it done, while they do more valuable work.
They do not chase leads trying to find the interested ones. They don’t hear annoyed, negative leads rejecting them all day long.
No that never happens to them, it happens to ordinary folk who will eventually get tired of it and quit the business.
In fact fear of the phone and constant rejection from prospects is the number 1 reason people quit Network Marketing. It’s probably a good idea you either get top quality real time phone interviewed leads or you switch the method you use to get things going with leads.
So what is this secret method of the big dogs?
You need to use the readily available technology!
Yes the technology to contact thousands of leads with the push of a button is here and has been for a long time. It works, it’s legal and ethical.
We have thousands of leads who sign up for information about home business everyday of the week.
Not all leads are created equally.
Some are phone interviewed and are obviously, very high quality. Those leads are called Phone Interviewed Leads. They are perfect for one on one calling. That’s not what we are talking about here.
The other leads are called Mobile Leads. These leads are created simply by the prospect completing a web survey form. Sure they spent the time completing the form but they are not as “invested” in the process as much as those who also passed a phone interview.
For this method we want to focus on Mobile Leads only.
The technology for contacting these leads falls under a few slightly different ways to do it.
Ringless Voicemail Drops: This is a fantastic system which allows your message to be placed on the prospects voicemail without ever actually calling them.
They will receive a notification they have a new voicemail. They will probably be thinking they missed a call. Of course, everyone listens to a voicemail. This is when they will hear your exciting, interesting message.
Those who are wanting to hear more will contact you back. For this method, do not use your own personal number. Get yourself a Google Voice Number
Everyone who invests in Mobile Leads with us, receives my free easy to follow step by step guide on exactly how to do this method
SMS Texting: Texting is common place to everyone these days. We’re not talking about sending one text at a time. We are talking about sending hundreds or even thousands of texts at once.
Imagine, if you do this right, how good the response from prospects could be!!
It really does work and only the interested prospects will contact you wanting more information.
Once again, use a Google Voice Number, not your own personal number.
You’ll get free access to my course to show you step by step how to do this in a way that gets maximum results
Dialers: I personally don’t think this is the best way to go as it is typically going to annoy people. Also I believe there are steps in progress to limit the use of this method.
A lot of people do use it and have remarkable results.
I have a client who purchases 500,000 leads per week and contacts them using a dialer.
I have not written a course on this method. I do believe there are step by step guides to show you how to use dialers if you choose this method
Email Marketing: I do not recommend making your first contact with leads via email.
It can be considered spam. Also the majority of the emails you send will go into the spam folder.
Put yourself in the prospects shoes, do you open and read spam very often?
Probably not, neither do your prospects.
Emailing as a first contact is never a good idea.
Call Center Lead Calling: This is an awesome way to make first contact with leads.
It is more expensive than the automated methods mentioned above but does produce very good leads who are waiting for you to call them.
We have provided this service since 2014 and you can learn more about at We Call Your Leads
OK so now we know the big dogs use these methods to make first contact with prospects.
All these methods sort out who is interested in hearing more from those that are just tire kickers and time wasters.
Then the big dogs have their list of warmed up, interested leads to call.
This is the type of script they will use when making the follow up call to the interested prospect:
Obviously it would be modified to be suited to the method used to make the first contact. In this example, we will assume they used the Ringless Voicemail method
"Hi Bob, thanks for responding to my recent voicemail. As promised I’m calling you back with more details.
As I said in my voicemail to you, my partners and I are looking to expand our business into your area. We’re looking for a few sharp locals who can help us in their spare time and to share in the profits."
You would then carry on with a relevant script to qualify the prospect further to ensure they are a good fit for your business
As you can see, this is going to be a much more pleasant way for you to work with leads, right?
Hopefully by now you have seen how using technology to automatically contact huge numbers of leads can make a gigantic difference to the size of your business.
Imagine how quickly momentum would kick in if you teach this method to your downline!
Your growth would be like a wildfire. Your trip to freedom would be at the rocket speed Apache Leads Rocket
Your growth would be like a wildfire. Your trip to freedom would be at the rocket speed
Here are the resources you can use to implement this method right away
Bulk Mobile Leads ( larger quantities for those enjoying bulk deals)
Step by Step Guide: You can see Mobile Leads Ninja here but remember, everyone buying mobile leads gets access for free
Before you race off let me touch quickly on the other method I mentioned
Secret #2
As I mentioned a little earlier Successful people value their time much more highly than spending it on chasing leads.
They know that they need to be working ON their business much more than they work IN it. Making the first call to leads is working IN your business
When you are providing downline training you are working ON your business. When you are getting mentoring from your upline, you are working ON your business.
When you are on the beach, you are working ON your tan :)
Using automated filtering to contact and find the hot leads is an amazingly easy way to have an endless supply of top quality leads, who are calling YOU. That's got to be way better than you calling them, right?
Working ON your business is speeding up your growth to rocket speed.
Please don’t just say, “yeah great idea, I’ll do that one day” Take some action right now.
Only action takers make it in any business.
Today, if you read to here, you have discovered two proven methods to putting a rocket under your business growth.
Both are easily duplicated by your downline. That is the secret of getting really fast growth and momentum into your group. Once you have momentum, you could not stop the growth, if you even wanted to.
The new people and sales will be pouring in faster than you could count it.
So, are you ready to take action and finally enjoy the fast growth and money you crave?
If you are ready to finally have plenty of time and money, take action by getting started today with these special offers
( While Supplies Last )
50,000 x Fresh US Mobile Leads
(0-30 Days)
NOW USD124.50
4,000 x Aussie Mobile Leads
(15 to 60 Days Aged)
NOW USD90.00
Had a good day on the phone. Modified your killer phone script. Talked to 6 leads, got positive responses from 6!!
Mark Piper
Joliet USA
Hey Don, Two enrolled yesterday from the Real Time Phone Interviewed leads! Most are great and some not to good but way better than any others I have ever bought. The majority are waiting for my call..keep up the good work
Paul Fleming
Brockton USA