For All Network Marketers Wanting To Achieve Success

Here’s How To Get To The Top Rankings In Your Company, Fast And Easily
Discover The Proven Ways To Build An Unlimited List Of Curious, Excited Prospects
Use This Breakthrough Method To Locate and Attract High Value Prospects, Fill Your Appointment Book, And Recruit More New People Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. The Book On This Page Will Show You How.

Don Reid
From the Desk of Don Reid
Queensland, Australia.

Would you like to finally crack the code and hit the top ranks in your company and make way more money in the next year?
Here’s the secret:
No More Failing, Disappointment, Cold Calling, Social Media Hustle, Buying Bad Leads, Wasted Presentations, Rejection and Fear of the Phone. Just A Simple Book
Me when I started in Network Marketing:
I was a workaholic, not because I liked working, in fact I much prefer to be lazy. I was working stupidly long hours because I was debt propelled and running two businesses. One was an electrical contracting business with about 25 employees and the other was a real estate agency with around 6 employees.
My alarm would go off every morning and I’d drag myself out of the sack and into the shower try to wake up and find the energy to face another day of stress and never ending dramas.
In the kitchen I’d grab a piece of toast and say goodbye to the wife and kids as I raced out the door.
Sometimes that few minutes would be all I would see of my family that entire day. Often by the time I got home, they would be asleep.
We were in a terrible recession and paying ridiculously high interest rates on loans. Nearly as high as credit cards. Projects were scarce and we had to bid at a loss just to generate some cash flow.
That’s no way to run a business and it could not go on.
It didn't. A construction company who owed me $550,000 went belly up and dragged me down with them.
It was only a few weeks before this happened that I had been recruited into Amway by a stranger who became a best friend. I could see that MLM and the Amway business had potential.
But as my business empire crashed and burned my wife and I had the very unpleasant task of meeting with the tax department and our creditors. We had to liquidate our company, sell our house and all our belongings.
I scraped together enough to buy a crappy car and we moved into the in-laws house. Can you imagine how humiliating it is to have to do that?
I decided to build the Amway business, but I also figured I knew everything about sales and running a business. Of course reality, if I had bothered to look at it, would have told me a different story.
Doing things my way just proved to be a fantastic way to waste time, energy and to find new ways to fail.
What I did to fix it:
I finally humbled myself and admitted to my sponsor (the guy who recruited me) that I had no idea what I was doing.
He smiled and told me he had been waiting patiently for me to come to this realization so that he could then teach me the way to grow my Amway business.
In no time I was winning awards for business growth and had tons of people coming to company events with me. Our income was growing and we were rising up through the ranks like a speeding bullet.
Everything he taught me is in this book, which I’ve named No Limits
“It’s Like Selling Without Actually Having To Sell”
- Everyone who reads and acts upon the information in this book
Obviously, I can’t promise that you will read the book I’m about to give you and repeat my results. It took a lot of learning, hard work , perseverance and helping my downline.
But it does work and not just for me!
Obviously, Network Marketing works, there is tons of proof of that. What fails is most of the people who join because they simply don’t invest in themselves. They don’t humble themselves and learn what’s needed to succeed. Worse some do learn what’s needed and then simply sit on the couch watching Netflix instead of doing the work.
If that’s you, please do not buy this book. This book really is only for those thirsty for knowledge, skills and success.
Get The Complete 4 Volumes Of No Limits and Never Be Short Of Prospects, Enjoy An Ever Growing Business and Discover The Leadership Secrets Of Passing Your Knowledge Downline
How Would your Business Change If You Had an Unlimited Supply Of Friendly, Interested Prospects?
Volume One - Unlimited Prospects

Volume Two - Amazing Inviter

Never, ever be limited by fear of inviting prospects ever again. Those days are gone. Never be limited again. Volume Two is going to teach you in easy steps how to be the most amazing inviter.
Prospects will be amazed and mesmerized by your professionalism. This volume will set you apart from all the “run of the mill” networkers who never learn these secrets.
Volume Three - Awesome Recruiter

Now you’ve learnt how to attract unlimited prospects and to professionally (and easily) invite them to your presentations, you’re ready to become an Awesome Recruiter! Recruiting is the essence of being a Networking success! If you’re an awesome recruiter you will always be a powerful, profitable business builder. I believe being great at recruiting is the single most important skill in MLM.
Volume Three is going to help you immensely to become the very best recruiter. Your team will be in awe and follow you even more closely because they will want to be like you.
Volume Four - Super Team Builder

Now that you have the knowledge, the skills and the no limits confidence, it’s time for you to become a Super Team Builder!
This is the glue which is going to hold it all together. You really don't want to watch all your hard work unravel and fall to pieces.
The super Team Builder volume is going to make sure that doesn't happen. In this volume I’ve put together everything I learned from the masters and from my own experience.
The absolute beauty of this entire “No Limits” course is all the way along it’s training you to be a super team builder. You will know all the right things to do to build a loyal profitable business which is rock solid.
I’ve seen it many times before where a team leader goes out in front and recruits like crazy. Putting people into the group left right and center. But, too many times it all falls apart because none of the glue was used to hold it all together.
Don’t let that happen to you.
DISCLAIMER: I have to tell you...results like this are not typical. I’ve been doing this stuff for many years. Most people don’t put into action what they learn, and so they don’t get any results at all. All business requires hard work, risk, and persistence.
But for those that are willing to put in what’s required, I can show you how to transform your business using a simple method that works.
Grow Your Business Faster and Finally Live Your Dreamstyle By Following The Step by Step Method in My No Limits 4 Volume Book.
The book I have for sale on this page is called No Limits because that’s exactly what it is:
A method for turning your efforts into a 7 figure residual income.
You can buy it if you want.
It’s only $29.99.
If you like it, maybe you’ll become a client and I can help you get to your dream lifestyle within the next 12 months
Or not.
Either way, it’s a good book that outlines everything you need to fill your calendar full of pre-qualified prospects and to turn them into new members or customers..
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Reader Reviews
Don is a fantastic mentor. Soak up his knowledge and expertise while you can!
This short book is filled with a wealth of information that will inspire you, clarify many things, and help you focus on what is truly important and necessary. In my humble opinion, this is a very well rounded book and contains gems that could be used for success in every Network Marketing venture.
—Ryan Bourke
There is no fluff in this book, only value. Read the book, take the action, and you will find success.
Don Reid has done it again!!
The pages of this book are not only value packed, but actionable.
There is no fluff in this book, only value. Read the book, take the action, and you will find success.
—Brian Gardner
So so helpful. Thank you, Don! You are the best. Seriously.
I just finished reading this book and "Woah." Don has done it again.
"If you want to help people, then help people." ~Don Reid
This book is a quick, down-and-dirty read that hits home on every single page. And I LOVE that he really meets the reader where they're at, particularly the struggling new entrepreneur. So so helpful.
Thank you, Don! You are the best. Seriously.
—Cheryl Lambert
Don delivered on his promise . . . by the end of the book you'll be inspired, ready, and able to grow your business fast!
The book was easy to read because it's so conversational. It's like Don is chatting with you. And he's honest - very transparent the whole way through. I recommend.
—Sharon Shaw

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For All Network Marketers Wanting To Achieve Success