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Leads Manager Video Tutorials

The Brand New, State of the Art, Leads Management System!

How To Create A FREE Account

How To Navigate The Leads Manager

How To Order

How To Manage Leads

How To Set Up Delivery

How To Request A Recording

The leads manager is a powerful new “state of the art” mlm leads manager system. The Leads Manager can bring a bunch of awesome benefits to you so it’s definitely worth a few minutes of your time to watch a few videos to get your head around how it works.

It’s really not hard to work it but like anything new there may be a small bit of learning to become an ace operator. Remember when you were a kid and wanted to learn how to ride a 2 wheeler bike? You really spent a lot of time and crashes getting the hang of that right? Well this is a heck of a lot easier.

The videos are in the logical order for you to start at the beginning and end up with your account set up perfectly for your needs.

The first video is about creating an account. If you’ve already done that, then skip it and move onto Profile Set up. We move from there to Leads Ordering, Delivery Options and Managing Orders.

In the profile section you will be able to let us know which MLM company you are working with. This is not the name of your personal company. Also in the profile you can enter your credit/debit card information. This will be stored securely and just like iTunes and Amazon it will allow you to use our one click ordering system.

Thousands of hours in designing, coding and testing has gone into this system. It was designed by network marketers for network marketers. We love being a part of your business journey and are always open to your feedback and suggestions for new features. Anytime you want to contact us you can use the live chat which is down there in the right hand corner of the screen or by visiting our contact page.

Thanks for your support, we truly appreciate it

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee with our Leads

Our No-Bad Lead Policy applies to every lead type we supply.

We strive to verify all of our data and to also ensure your best experience we also offer this policy. 10% Overage of leads is given to you for free to cover any bad leads.  Click here for more details


Leads Manager Video Tutorials