MLM Leads That Let You Get 10X The Enrollments – If You Know How

May 13

MLM Leads That Let You Get 10X The Enrollments – If You Know How

MLM Leads That Let You Get 10X The Enrollments – If You Know How

MLM Leads That Let You Get 10X The Enrollments – If You Know How

No that’s not a misprint, there really is a way to get a response rate up to 10 times the enrollments than you would get from your standard leads.  I’d like to tell you that this is a special new network marketing lead that is just being introduced.  I’d also like to tell you that this is a limited run of MLM leads that are sure to rock the world of MLM.

But the truth is that in this case that isn’t what you want to hear.  What a truly successful MLM distributor wants to hear is ‘these home based business leads are going to EXPLODE your downline, and there are more where they came from!’  Lucky for you that’s exactly what I’m going to tell you.

First you will need to know what a ‘pre-enrolee’ is.

A pre-enrolee is a home business lead that has been qualified by a questionnaire or another qualifying method.  They have shown interest in learning about a business opportunity and their responses indicate which home business they would be a good MLM lead for.

The profile of the pre-enrollee is turned into a work at home lead and matched to a business that suits their needs.  Let’s say for a moment that this is your MLM home business opportunity.  The MLM lead is sent to your website and directed to a ‘Free Membership Tour’ or a similar process.  They are asked to provide their contact information before they start the tour and this information is sent immediately to you.

The lead is considered a pre-enrollee once they have provided your website with their contact information to state that they are interested in learning about your home business opportunity.  It is at this moment when they are the hottest lead they will ever be – this is the time when you want to tell them about your MLM opportunity.

Although the pre-enrollee program is designed that you don’t have to lift a finger to get enrollments this is a bad idea.  If you leave the pre-enrollee lead to browse at their leisure you will only get a sign-up rate of approximately 1%.  There is nothing to keep them on your site or prompt them to sign up except their own curiosity, and we all know where that gets us.

The greatest advantage of this system is that your network marketing leads have always qualified themselves.  If they were not interested in your home business opportunity they would not have taken the steps to sign up.  This means that contacting them to determine what their immediate needs are, and explaining how your home based business opportunity can help them can be critical.

The difference between leaving your MLM leads to sign up themselves and calling them to answer any questions and show them the benefits of your opportunity can drastically change your results.  By simply making a phone call you can talk to your pre-enrolee MLM lead while they are still on your website and increase your response rate to as much as a 10% conversion!

As with any form of leads that you buy from a lead generation service you will want to ensure that your pre-enrolee leads are quality leads.  Make sure that you deal with a company that does not offer incentives to people just because they request information.

A quality pre-enrolee MLM lead is someone who has signed up to get information about your business who was not bribed with an incentive.  You need to be sure that they are contacting you with the right intentions.

Pre-enrolee MLM leads are considered to be one of the highest quality home business lead you can buy.  They are people who are interested in building a home based business and have qualified themselves to be looking for an opportunity like yours.  It just doesn’t get any better than that.

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"MLM Leads That Let You Get 10X The Enrollments – If You Know How" By Don Reid


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