Are Failing At Your MLM Business Doing What They Told You To Do

April 1

Are Failing At Your MLM Business Doing What They Told You To Do

Are Failing At Your MLM Business Doing What They Told You To Do

Are Failing At Your MLM Business Doing What They Told You To Do

Most MLM distributors are given some sort of startup package when they sign on to their new business opportunity.  If you read the materials inside you are told everything that your MLM Company feels that you should know about your new business.  What they fail to sell you is how to make it work – how to actually succeed at your business.

Many Uplines follow the same routine that you find in your startup kits and they all pretty much use the same formula. You should start with your friends and family because you know these people and it will help you to get comfortable with promoting your MLM opportunity to others.

What they imply but don’t say outright is that you’re going to make mistakes during your presentation and they want your family to feel guilty about not supporting your new venture.  So, in their minds your family should sign on because they don’t want you to feel alone and then they feel guilty if they don’t sign up right away.

The next step is to ask your friends and family if they can provide leads to anyone who may want to work at home.  What is happening here is that you are asking your friends and family to provide you contact information for someone you have never met.

You are asking them to use their relationship with this mystery person as your way ‘in’ so you can try to sell your opportunity.

If this goes well, good for you!  Unfortunately what you have created is a cold lead so there isn’t a lot of chance that it will go well.  A cold lead is someone who hasn’t shown any interest in becoming a distributor of a home based business, or MLM Company.

The chances of someone like this being interested are very little.  They may take the appointment because their friend asks them to but what you have managed to do it put a strain on the relationship between your cold lead and your relative.

Whether or not you sign anyone into your downline won’t always stop you from getting more referrals.  Often when you ask someone for the sale and they aren’t interested they look for another way out without saying ‘no’ directly.

When you ask them for leads to anyone they know that may be looking for a home based business opportunity they jump at this ‘out’ so they can decline without feeling like they have wasted your time.

This cycle might repeat for a while but ultimately, and usually quickly, you run out of leads.  When that happens you are told to go over your old leads again and again to see if anyone has changed their mind.

Unfortunately all that does is strain your relationship with your friends and family further.  They know what you’re doing and if they are interested they know where to find you.

What you really need is a long list of network marketing leads that have shown interest in a home based business opportunity.  People who have signed up and said ‘please contact me with information about your company – I’m really looking for a way to reach my goals.’

You need warm leads that have been prequalified as interested parties to what you have to offer.  Better yet you need HOT leads that are waiting by the phone for you to call!  But where would you find these warm or HOT leads?

The solution is simple.

For a long list of prequalified leads that are looking for someone to give them more information about a home business opportunity you need to contact a MLM Leads Company.  They can provide quality warm MLM leads who have asked to be contacted by you to share with them your opportunity.

Even better, most MLM Lead Companies provide a variety of MLM lead types that will give you a range of leads from warm to HOT HOT HOT!  It really doesn’t get any easier than this.  Prequalified leads that are sent to your inbox and all you have to do is call.

"Are Failing At Your MLM Business Doing What They Told You To Do" By Don Reid


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