Call My Leads

April 28

Call My Leads For Me

Call My Leads

Call My Leads For Me

I have been involved with the MLM industry since 1992.

These many years of experience dealing with people new to Network Marketing have taught me one thing.  Well, that’s not accurate, it’s many things. But one of the most important is this: the hardest challenge for new people is making calls to prospects.

Without the proper preparation, training, practice and handholding, they are going to face a lot of pain. The pain comes from rejection.

No one likes pain and we all want it to stop as soon as possible.

Because the new guy wants to stay in the business, but is not enjoying the pain, he is going to ask you to:

“Call My Leads”

Why is it new people ask “call my mlm leads”? I have been involved with MLM since 1992 and in the MLM Leads industry since 2003 when I established Apache Leads.

Yes calling mlm leads is the hardest thing for a recruit to develop the courage to do. picking up the phone and calling a stranger, even though they are a qualified mlm lead is difficult and very scary. If you leave your new people to accomplish this task alone, they are inevitably going to quit your business.

Despite the fact that you do training calls with them and teach them how to make calls,  once they need to do it alone they will perform poorly. OK of course not everyone is going to have problems, but most will.

Your new people will follow your directions and buy mlm leads, but that’s where it ends, they don’t always grab the phone and call them. If they do, they often do not have a good script.

When they do call it doesn’t go well and they develop a fear of the phone. The new guy who was all excited last month, now doesn’t come to events, your phone calls to him go unanswered and he goes off auto-ship.

I found this to be true very early in my MLM career and had it reinforced when I moved into the MLM Leads Business.

Here’s a tip for you, most aged mlm leads have never been called. What’s that tell you?It’s far too much for people who don’t have experience calling for a living to all of a suddenly be expected to become great at making what is essentially a sales call.

Calling their leads is what the new people in your business are wishing!  We do have a lead calling service but these days we only provide custom campaigns.  The service is called We Call Your Leads.

Why we changed the service is we have been producing Real Time Phone Interviewed Leads. We call every single lead and they must pass the interview to even become a Phone Interviewed Lead.

We even record every call and make them available on request.
So, in effect we are a Call My MLM Leads Service.

By starting the ball rolling our professional callers will make it super easy for your new guy to jump on the phone and say something like:

“Hi Bob, you just got off the phone with my appointment manager. I’m James the guy they said was going to call you with more information about getting you into a business”

He wants someone to do the first call to the leads, to warm them up and introduce him so it all goes a lot easier.

See how much easier that is than making the first call?

See how your new guy will have a chance of remaining in business a lot longer and can turn into one of your biggest legs in your business?

Learn more about our Real Time Phone Interviewed Leads here.

Article: Call My Leads For Me Australia Canada USA UK NZ


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