Apache Leads 20 Years
Apache Leads The Ultimate MLM Leads & MLM Training Company

Wow, time sure does fly when you’re having fun. It sure doesn’t feel like 20 years since setting up in the leads industry.
It wasn’t even my intention at all.
Let me tell you a story
20 years ago I was a newly minted “Diamond” in the Life Force company. At that time it took most Diamonds 7 to 10 years to reach that level. I did it in 90 days. That’s a record that still has never been beaten.

Don Reid in Orlando FL
When I hit that level the company sent me a couple of round-the-world tickets to attend the company conference in Orlando Florida.
It was a great thrill to be celebrated on stage in front of everyone as a brand new Diamond. I also won the prize for the fastest growing business in the company.
The big secret to how I grew the business so fast, would be just about impossible to duplicate today. You see, I had an email list of 2 million people. I could email that list every day. This was before spam laws.
In those days, most people were still excited to get an email so open rates were very high. Not like these days where email is pretty mundane, even boring.
But even then it became more difficult to send such large numbers of emails. Everyone was switching to leads.
My own downline needed a way to easily contact people interested in building a home business.
So I got into the leads business for my own downline to benefit. It was a great solution and my people began to grow their businesses much more quickly and easily.
It didn’t stay a secret for long. Word soon spread that I was selling responsive leads. I had never intended to be in the leads business but as you might imagine, the business grew rapidly. Soon it was taking more and more of my time.
It was interesting and satisfying to be able to help so many people from all around the world.
After 20 years, we’ve maintained our enthusiasm to help people get to their dream lifestyle but providing the best leads and some excellent training that is unlike any offered anywhere else.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we answer every customer email and even have live chat on Apache Leads.
Your trust in us to provide you with everything you need to grow your business is well justified.
We look forward to serving the Network Marketing industry for another 20 years
Thank you for your support

Don Reid
Apache Leads 20 Years Anniversary