Gorilla Movie

December 18

Gorilla Movie

Gorilla Movie

Gorilla Movie - good fun making a Video

What the heck does this photo have to do with leads?

Well nothing really, I just liked it. It was taken a few days ago in a studio where we just finished doing a corporate website video for my son Kris, the guy behind me.

What a ball we had doing it. We got to use my friends corporate office here in Phnom Penh and their studio.  We also hijacked all his staff to be in the video.

I had the hard job of being the Gorilla … trust me, it’s very hot in the monkey suite. These days video are on sites all over the place and I’ve been reluctant to make any because of two reasons, one I’m quite shy and secondly I really don’t know much about making decent videos.

Sure anyone can aim a smartphone and record a video but that doesn’t qualify us as professional movie makers.

We were lucky enough to have a very talented French woman who is actually a professional director take charge of us and make the whole project a great success. The last time I was in a studio was back in the 90’s when I was making a TV commercial for my fledgling ISP in Brisbane called Cynergy Internet. I wonder if anyone remembers that.

It really was good fun making the video. It’s given me the desire to make some more videos for Apache Leads.

Got nothing to show yet, just some vague script ideas. But if you have anything you would like me to particularly make a video about, please let me know in the comments section below.

Below you can also take a look at the video we made. If you have a website and want it to rank higher on Google and get a lot more visitors then shoot my son, Kris an email. His site is Ardor Media Factory


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