How I Went From Start to Diamond Level in 90 Days...

Following 12 Secret Rules
Choose to Be in the 3%
Who Succeed in Network Marketing
Use These Secret Rules to Avoid the 12 Fatal Mistakes 97% of Network Marketers Make. Get to Your Dream Lifestyle Faster and Much Easier

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No More Failing,
No More Soul Destroying Disappointments,
Just a Simple Set of 12 Mistakes to Avoid
I hope you enjoy a good story because I need to tell you mine. Then you will truly understand and appreciate exactly how empowering it is to know the 12 Fatal Mistakes and how to avoid them.
When I first was recruited into Amway it was by a stranger. He was 11 years younger than me. He had been a furniture manufacturer and a salesman. He was full-time in Amway now.
I was a super busy business guy running a real estate agency and an electrical contracting business in the middle of the worst recession in living memory.
Life was pretty hard, we were up to our eyeballs in debt. We had maxed out credit cards and our house was the security for a couple of huge business loans. I even had a $10,000 overdraft at the bank.
I was working at least 15 hours a day, employing 25 staff. Every day was completely full of stress, problems, and lack of money. Every time the phone rang my heart would race and I’d hope it wasn’t someone I owed money to. Mostly it was people I owed money to, so that wasn’t a lot of fun.
When I saw the Amway presentation, I was genuinely impressed and believed it was a winner. The concept of home/online shopping was new back in 1992 so it was pretty exciting. So I watched the videos, listened to the tapes and signed up at the follow up a couple of days later.
I made a huge mistake when I started. I was not very teachable. The reason for that was I had years of experience in sales and marketing. I figured I knew it all.
Network Marketing is an entirely different game from traditional business. It took me some time to become humble enough to open my ears and learn.
My line of sponsorship were all super good at building their network marketing businesses. They had all come from a wide range of jobs and professions. Some were Detectives, Nurses, Financial Advisers, School Teachers. None of them were born into Network Marketing.
They had all had to learn it and they had developed an excellent system for passing it on downline. I was fortunate enough to be in their line and always got a ton of support from them.
Once I began to listen and follow the system I began to enjoy success.
Over the years, I even discovered the 12 Fatal Mistakes, all of which I will share with you in the book.
Once I truly learned them and applied them to my business, I began to see good growth and reached the 21% level which is kind of a big deal in Amway.
Out of the blue, there was a huge, monumental shift in my life. I had been tinkering around with some software I had built for the internet. This was the very early days, 1995.
My products and services took off pretty much overnight. Over the next 6 years I generated more than $18,000,000 in sales. I had quit my Amway business and focussed solely on the internet business
Who could blame me, right?
But, sadly, like many early internet fads this one also died off. It had been a fun ride while it lasted but now it was dead.
While I was wondering what to do next, I received an email from an up-and-coming Network Marketer who had a real gift for copywriting.
His name is Brian Garvin. Brians’ email got me excited and I literally signed up right away.
As chance and coincidence would have it, there was a company meeting in Brisbane that night. The founders would be there. What are the odds of that? It seemed fate was shining on me once again.
The company was based in San Diego, California and was called Life Force. So the chances were astronomical. I was definitely going to be at that meeting!
I entered the venue and found a seat. The founders, a married couple spoke for an hour or so about their origin story, the rapid company growth, and the products.
They also mentioned there was to be a big annual company convention in Orlando, Florida in just over 90 days.
On the way out I opened my big mouth and told the founders I would be in Orlando as a new Diamond. They looked at me in mild shock like I was some sort of weird person who had no idea about the work involved to get to the diamond level.
I jumped in my car for the drive home and my mind finally asked me:
“Just how are you going to go Diamond in 90 days fella?”
It was a daunting task and I had more than a few doubts. But I realized I had everything I needed to make it. Plus I had made a promise in public to go Diamond in 90 days.
I had my Amway experience, I knew the 12 Fatal Mistakes and how to avoid them, and these days I had the added bonus of knowing how to use the tools of the internet.
I set to work the next morning. I contacted the writer of the email (Brian) that recruited me. I got all the advice I could from Brian, which was very helpful. He was great and sent me the entire email series to use, the autoresponder service he was using and he kept me motivated.
In those days the internet was not as developed or anywhere near as fast as it is now. So I had to spend long hours every day doing very menial mind-numbing tasks. All these tasks would be automated these days.
All the time I kept the 12 Fatal Mistakes at the front of my mind. Each day I was recruiting around 20 new people. Right from the start I would teach them the 12 Fatal Mistakes and how to avoid them.
This really went a long way to holding people in long enough for me to put more new people under them. That, of course, really cements people into the business and keeps them excited.
To cut this long story short, in 90 days I was at the Diamond level.
I even won free airfares and accommodation.
A surprise the company had for me at the convention was the award called Rising Star. It came with a very nice trophy, lots of recognition on stage with the founders and a lovely cash prize too!
I definitely put my fast rise to Diamond down to knowing how to avoid the 12 Fatal Mistakes.
Here’s Some Of What You’ll Discover Inside This Short Book:

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Reader Reviews
Don is a fantastic mentor. Soak up his knowledge and expertise while you can!
This short book is filled with a wealth of information that will inspire you, clarify many things, and help you focus on what is truly important and necessary. In my humble opinion, this is a very well rounded book and contains gems that could be used for success in every Network Marketing venture.
—Ryan Bourke
There is no fluff in this book, only value. Read the book, take the action, and you will find success.
Don Reid has done it again!!
The pages of this book are not only value packed, but actionable.
There is no fluff in this book, only value. Read the book, take the action, and you will find success.
—Brian Gardner
So so helpful. Thank you, Don! You are the best. Seriously.
I just finished reading this book and "Woah." Don has done it again.
"If you want to help people, then help people." ~Don Reid
This book is a quick, down-and-dirty read that hits home on every single page. And I LOVE that he really meets the reader where they're at, particularly the struggling new entrepreneur. So so helpful.
Thank you, Don! You are the best. Seriously.
—Cheryl Lambert
Don delivered on his promise . . . by the end of the book you'll be inspired, ready, and able to grow your business fast!
The book was easy to read because it's so conversational. It's like Don is chatting with you. And he's honest - very transparent the whole way through. I recommend.
—Sharon Shaw
12 Fatal Mistakes Networkers Make | Second Edition