Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.

November 22

Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.

Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.

Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.

Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.

No matter what type of business you have, the more people who know and like you, the more  it will drive profit your way. By planning out a strategy and developing credibility through the use of social media you’ll set yourself up for long term success.

Now I had heard this all before, but never fully understood what it meant. When I, Diana,(Don’s Assistant in New York) starting daily posting to the Apache Leads Facebook page I really realized what an awesome platform it was for reaching our clients and bringing in new customers! (Apache Leads has over 35k likes by the way!! woo

This is how I’ve noticed it goes often times…. We will post a meme with an inspirational

quote from Don or an article that will then be shared by some of our followers.
Someone will see that meme or article with the Apache logo and come
and visit/like our page. From there we will receive an inbox message asking about leadsand the next thing you know, we have a new customer!

This takes time though, you have to start building a following and posting regularly
to whatever platforms you choose to use and grow your followers. It’s a few minutes
a day that could certainly impact your bottom line if executed properly.

Actually, if you are not following us on Facebook yet, please click the link below 
for daily words of inspiration from Don as well as some really great articles

But I’ve digressed… I was reading the below article in Entrepreneur and although it’s a short read, it hits on the major points to get you going with content marketing.

One of the most exciting fields for startups right now is content marketing. This engaging way to spread the word about your business has continued to grow as different forms of content gain popularity. Though it all started with the typical blog, companies are now using various forms of content marketing like podcasts to drive more traffic.

If you’re looking to start with the basics, below are three keys to creating engaging content to get more customers:

1. Develop a strategy.

Every house needs a foundation. The same goes for your content marketing. Entrepreneurs creating a blog need to lay out a strategy that focuses on their goals.

As an example, Drift, a messaging app that helps you grow your business, utilizes their blog to create a voice around sales, marketing and customer acquisition. In under eight months, their blog has grown to over 30,000 monthly visitors without a budget, making their company a thought leader in messaging apps.

To develop your strategy, I suggest reading the Grow and Convert blog where Benji Hyam details the Google Suggested Search hack. This basically involves long tail search terms focused around how-to questions, comparisons and questions.

2. Gain credibility.

You have the right foundation for your content strategy. Now you will want to know how to create the content to execute on that strategy.

There are different ways to establish credibility and some ways are better than others. Getting press attention, interviewing influencers in your industry, blogging on other company blogs and answering questions online are all ways to gain credibility.

As an example, at my startup Sourcify where we help entrepreneurs find the right manufacturer in minutes, we like answering specific questions on Quora that address the pain point we are solving. This not only gets us traffic, but also boosts credibility as people upvote our answers.

3. Utilize social media.

Social media is one of the best ways to share your content. With that said, social media is all about engagement and far too many companies overlook this fact. Companies today post on social like they’re talking to a brick wall.

Hillel Fuld, one of the world’s top tech bloggers and co-founder of ZCast recently told me a story of when Gary Vaynerchuck explained the return on investment of social media. He described social media as being your mom. Mothers are always there to compliment their children and instill confidence. Social media is there to do the same for your customers.

Though content marketing may not show immediate results or returns, it is a must in today’s world of online marketing. By growing your blog or starting a podcast, you’ll see long term growth and gains that you wouldn’t have imagined possible. You could be invited to speak at major events or write for major publications, but if you don’t start now, who knows where your content could lead you.

Hoping you enjoyed “3 Keys to Create Engaging Content for More Customers and Sales”. I will keep a lookout for articles I think you might enjoy that are relevant and continue to share them regularly. Hoping it helps you drive closer to your dreams and goals faster.

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Content Marketing: Getting People to Know, Like and Trust You.


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