Why How and Where to Buy the Best MLM Leads

January 31

Why, How and Where to Buy the Best MLM Leads

Why How and Where to Buy the Best MLM Leads

Why, How and Where to Buy The Best MLM Leads

Why How and Where to Buy the Best MLM Leads

Some people make a huge mistake and think that all mlm leads are created equally and that the only reason to buy is price. This is the biggest mistake they ever make in what will be a short career in network marketing.

Before getting into the real reasons you should choose wisely when buying mlm leads, please allow me to introduce myself to you.

My name is Don Reid and I first was introduced to network marketing in February, 1992. It was all very new to me and I didn’t have any of the skills which successful Network Marketers need.

But, over time I acquired them by investing in training and with a lot of help from my sponsor.  I listened to everything he said and went to every event, every meeting and devoured all the training.

I went on to build a moderately successful mlm business. In August 1995, I was distracted by a new craze called the internet. My partners and I developed and operated membership sites from August 1995 to December 2000. During that time we generated gross revenue of a tad over $18,000,000.

In 2002 I decided to give MLM another shot and use the new tools the internet was providing. I joined a company based in California. It was the usual lotions and potions and a fairly standard compensation plan. There really was nothing “new”,

“revolutionary” or even interesting about the products.  In fact, when my monthly product shipment used to arrive, I used to throw it in the dumpster. The taste of it was really quite revolting. Even with vodka it was pretty gross.

don with diamond awards

Getting My Diamond Level Awards in Florida 


From the day I started that revolting tasting MLM, to the day I hit the Diamond Level was only 3 months! That’s a record in that company and probably in most others. My income at that time from that business was averaging $71,000 per month.

When I looked downline to help my group grow it became very obvious there was a problem. My people had no leads.

My rapid rise to the Diamond level was made possible by my email list of over 2 million names. Every day I was promoting the business to the list and getting dozens of people signing up.

How great was that! A big problem just popped up to kill that. Spam.

Yep Governments all over the world were sick to death of spam and so they enacted laws which prevented sending spam email. My list was actually legitimate, everyone had signed up of their own free will.

Problem was in those early days we had no proof of their signup so the email blasting had to stop. That’s when I decided to provide leads to my group.

Apache Leads was born

It had been designed just for my own downline but in no time, word spread about the great quality leads we were providing and people form all over the world began buying leads from us.

To cut a long story short, since 2003 Apache Leads has been at the forefront of providing awesome mlm leads. These days we just offer mlm leads from two countries and two types of leads. We’ve distilled a big range down to just the two best leads for network marketers.

What we have focused on is providing these very valuable tools and services to our clientele

1. Very attentive and responsive customer service which includes, toll free numbers, email contact and live chat.

2. An advanced Leads Management System which is provided at no cost to our clients. This very easy to use system is a very powerful tool for managing all your leads, reporting bad leads, pausing and resuming delivery, setting delivery times to the the minute in your own time zone and downloading.

3. Free mlm training. As you now know, I’ve built two mlm businesses and have learnt a lot since 1992. I’ve shared my experiences, script, tips and shortcuts in a number of books which are available on the site.

4. MLM Leads which are phone interviewed quality, the very best there is. For example, the Australian Phone Interviewed Leads are the only phone interviewed Australian leads in the world.

Valuing MLM Leads

The value of the leads you invest in is directly related to the result they can bring to you. Before we go any further, a word of warning. Many people new to MLM make the biggest mistake of all, they choose to believe they have all the skills needed to call leads and sponsor them. They don’t

It’s a silly as thinking, “I know how to use a phone so I know how to make calls”, they don’t. The people who make this mistake are excited with their new busienss and think as soon as they mention it to some stranger, that stranger is going to be as excited as them and want to get int he business.

They forget they were approached by a professional and given a professional presentation, that’s what got them excited.

Anyone calling mlm leads without training, practice and a script is doomed to failure and will quit the business in a very short time.

Everyone needs to be teachable. OK, enough said

Lets look at valuing how much a lead is worth to you.

When you sponsor / recruit someone into your business they will be worth at least $1,000 per year to you. Of course, that’s assuming they are active. They are likely to be worth a ton more, maybe even $50,000 a year.

Lets say you invest $100 in leads, you call them with a good script, build a relationship and sponsor one person from those leads and the calls. Just one, not 10, not 20, just 1.

You just invested $100 to make a minimum of $1,000!! Now if you invest time and effort to teach this new person to duplicate your methods, they are very likely to follow your example and begin buying good quality leads, making calls and recruiting people of their own.

Now how much are they worth to you? Warren Buffett would be doing that all day every day if he knew about it. You DO know about it.

price and value

price is what you pay, value is what you get


Hopefully now you understand, investing in quality mlm leads will bring awesome value and massive returns for you.  Returns which keep paying off to you, year after year

The very best, fully guaranteed MLM leads are the Phone Interviewed Grade. .Heed my words about getting training, practice and a proven script BEFORE selecting and calling these mlm leads to enjoy the biggest return.

US Phone Interviewed MLM Leads

“When only the best will do” – Don Reid

I hope you enjoyed this post and got something from it. At least you now know more about  Why, How and Where to Buy the Best MLM Leads.

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