how many times are mlm leads sold

February 7

How Many Times Are MLM Leads Sold

how many times are mlm leads sold

How Many Times Are MLM Leads Sold: In this post we delve into that question which we hear from site visitors quite often.

It’s a really great question and one which many of our competitors really hate to answer. They prefer to keep quiet about it and hope that no one asks them.

Even when they are asked they will often squirm and give confusing and misleading answers designed to make it sound like the leads are not sold to anyone else.

Before getting to the answers, there needs to be a little explanation of how mlm leads are generated.

The most common method is search engine marketing. This means the mlm leads generator places an ad on Google or other search engines. The ad will show up when anyone searches such things as “how to make money at home”, “best home business”, “work at home plans”

a sample of a simple mlm leads capture page

A sample of a simple mlm leads capture page

If the searcher clicks on the ad they will be taken to a lead capture page. The page will usually have a glossy image of a family enjoying all the money they have made from their home business. You know the kind of thing, big fancy pants house, foreign car, stacks of cash, cruise ships etc etc.

The page will have a form on it where the searcher can request more information about this exciting home business opportunity.

The form will ask for their contact information and often a bunch of other relevant questions such as how much extra money do they want per month, how many hours per week can they work in a home business, what their motivation level is. That and more.

When the searcher completes the form it’s sent to the lead generation company and this person is now a mlm lead.

Ok a simple enough process but actually quite expensive. None of it’s cheap. The design and construction of the lead capture page would have cost thousands of dollars. Because they didn’t build just one, they built quite a few and tested which one worked the best.

The database which collects the data from the forms cost money. The hosting of the site cost money.

Most of all the cost of advertising cost a huge amount. It probably costs around $10 to generate one lead!

Like all companies the lead generation company needs to make a profit to cover all the expenses and salaries of the staff involved in the actual lead generation. Don’t forget there are other expenses as well, administration staff, rent on the office, office furniture, equipment, utilities etc. The list is long.

In case you would like to give generating your own mlm leads a try, I wrote "The 6 Best Ways To Generate MLM Leads"

All in all each lead can cost $20 each to generate. In the MLM leads industry, no one is going to be willing to pay anywhere near that much for a lead.

To make the leads available at a price which the market will bear ALL mlm leads companies sell leads more than one time. Otherwise the prices would be much more expensive, it’s just a simple fact.

Those companies who are telling you they only sell leads one time are either:

a. Lying or
b. Selling rubbish leads that are worth nothing

Apache Leads offers top quality phone interviewed mlm leads and to make them available at a price that is attractive and beneficial to the market we sell all fresh leads up to 3 times. That depends on demand. Sometimes we have more leads than is needed and so those leads are sold less than 3 times. But, as a general rule, we sell them 3 times.

One thing to remember with Apache Leads is that our software prevents the fresh leads being shared with people working the same business. That’s why we ask you which business you are working when you set up your free Leads Manager Account.

Leads are not silly, they are going to want to look at a few businesses before deciding so, it’s really not a negative thing to share the leads.

Aged leads are, of course, leads which have been sold before and are then sold again at a vastly reduced price to reflect that they have been sold before and are also older now.

Sadly some mlm leads companies are not very ethical and will sell the leads many times in order to maximize their profits. This hurts their customers and the industry as a whole. We stand for openness, transparency and honesty. We do not support lying to our clients and do not condone these bad practices in anyway.

apache leads guarantee
We guarantee all our leads and want to make working with Apache Leads as pleasant, profitable and risk free as possible for you.

Toward this objective, we are not afraid to answer any question you might have.

Hopefully we have answered How Many Times Are MLM Leads Sold to your satisfaction.  If we haven’t, please do feel free to ask a question in the comments below.  Thanks for reading, if you got something from this, please feel free to share it and comment below.


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