Exclusive MLM Leads: Real or Myth?

February 21

Exclusive MLM Leads: Real or Myth?

On our site Live Chat we are sometimes asked if we have exclusive mlm leads.

People love the thought of having exclusive mlm leads, it’s something to do with a human desire for ownership and control.  Also, it makes one think there is a fear of competition involved as well.

As a race, we all like to own things; a nice house, a clean safe car, a big screen TV and a margarita blender.  But leads don’t really fall into this type of "thing"

MLM Leads are people, not a thing or a possession.  There is no ownership entitlement at all.  When someone makes a purchase with a mlm leads company they are actually renting access to a list of people.  Ownership never changes hands.

Let’s get into what leads are about.  They are regular people just like you, not so much like me because I’m pretty far from regular.

Quite often, how they became a lead is they went to a search engine and looked for something like best home business, "top 10 ways to make money at home"

When they scrolled through the results they probably saw a couple of different sites which looked interesting.  They liked the big header image on the page and they like what was being promised.  They could see themselves on that big power boat with the sexy bikini girl, or they could see that brand new gigantic house in the best neighbourhood.

They quickly completed the form asking for more information.  That’s the exact moment they became an MLM Lead.

More than likely they wanted to feel sure so they repeated the same process on another site and maybe even a third.

Now they were on the leads lists of a few mlm leads companies.

So much for being exclusive

MLM lead companies who claim to have exclusive mlm leads are not (in most cases) lying to you. They simply mean the lead is being sold to you exclusively from them.  It’s not preventing other companies who the lead signed up with form selling them also.

Fear of Competition

Now on the point I made earlier about fear of competition.  I’m really sorry to tell you this but if you are experiencing a fear of competition from other mlm distributors then it’s a matter of confidence and experience.

Let’s say that somehow you were the only person ever to speak to the lead about a mlm business opportunity.  Do you truly believe they will get in with you just because you’re the only one they spoke to?

Fear Not The Competition

Getting back to reality; confidence is a big key to recruiting.  It’s not that much to do with products and comp plans.  Sure, that will get some people to join but not most.
Most people are looking at you and deciding if they like you, if they trust you and most importantly are you a leader who will show them the way.

Those are the most important factors whether or not someone gets into business with you.  Not the fact that you may or may not have been the only person who spoke to them

A better strategy than worrying if leads are exclusive or shared is to develop your people skills and choose quality leads.  Get some experience talking to a few hundred leads, fall over, get back up again and get better everyday.

"Exclusive MLM Leads: Real or Myth?" By Don Reid

Article: Exclusive MLM Leads: Fact or Fiction? Article By Don Reid


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