The Gold Standard In Leads

March 14

The Gold Standard in Leads

The Gold Standard In Leads

The Gold Standard in Leads

When I started in Network Marketing it was early 1992. There was no such thing as buying leads, there was no internet. Growing a business was old school hard work.

I had a day job selling boom gates and ticket systems for large parking lots. It wasn't a bad job, I quite liked it but I definitely wanted freedom. So I used to have to go prospecting at trade shows to find people to try and prospect.

It was hard work and I didn't like it but I was desperate to get debt free and give my family a decent home.

In 1995 I got lucky and built a business on the internet which brought in a tidal wave of cash. The internet moved very fast and a few years later my tidal wave had dwindled to a trickle so I needed to find a new gig.

I found one with a MLM company called Life Force.

After joining, I actually met the Founders at a meeting they were doing in my city. I got so excited that I blurted out to them that I would come to the annual convention in Orlando at the Diamond Level. They looked at me like I was soft in the head. It was only 3 months to Orlando.

Don Reid - Florida

Don in Orlando, Florida

After joining, I actually met the Founders at a meeting they were doing in my city. I got so excited that I blurted out to them that I would come to the annual convention in Orlando at the Diamond Level. They looked at me like I was soft in the head. It was only 3 months to Orlando.

I worked like crazy, consistently for the 90 days.

Usually about 12 hours per day. Lo and behold I went to Orlando as a newly minted Diamond.

The point of this story is this was all achieved without buying any leads. No one had even heard of them. My upline Triple Diamond suggested I develop a leads site because of my past experience with websites.

That leads to Apache Leads. The year was 2003.

We had always been experimenting and developing better and better leads. A few years ago we developed the gold standard in leads. We were the first and only company to bring genuine Phone Interviewed Leads to market.

Many competitors claim to also have Phone Interviewed leads. Here's a couple of ways to determine if they are lying to you and trying to sell you garbage leads.

1. Do they publish the script they use to call the leads? We do and we even include a recording of a typical call to a lead.

2. Do they offer to provide recordings of the calls made to your leads? We do. If they had actually called the leads, they would have the recordings, right? Damn straight.

They are lying to you

Here's where you can discover more and buy the Gold Standard in leads

US Live Phone Interviewed Leads

US Fresh Phone Interviewed Leads

US Aged Phone Interviewed Leads (4-7 Days)

US Aged Phone Interviewed Leads (8-15 Days)

Don't settle for garbage leads, demand the best and get real results in your business

We will see YOU on the beaches of the world

Article: The Gold Standard in Leads - Verified MLM prospects

Do you have the guts and commitment to dream big and get the lifestyle you deserve?


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