
June 2



Leads - building a home business fast and easily

Yes "leads" such a simple word but such a diverse and complex industry. There are pretty much leads for every industry and niche on the planet.  Somewhere, somebody is selling something and generates leads or buys leads to contact and make sales.

Leads have been around forever.


Back in the olden days, before the internet, plenty of direct marketing companies ran ads on the back pages of magazines and comic books to generate leads. You may remember them.

I grew up in Australia and used to buy a lot of comics from the local news agency.  I loved the ads, probably more than the comics, although I still read comics.

Some guys never grow up.  I loved the ones advertising BB guns which we could not get in Australia, also the ones with X-ray glasses.  They always showed some kid looking at the bones in his hand.  I had other plans for them.

Never did get a pair because the ads for them were all in the USA.


I used to buy Phantom rings so I could leave a skull mark on bad guys chins. They were made of rubber and you needed a stamp pad to leave the skull mark.

Once I bought some real Occupation Currency.  It was printed by the Imperial Japanese Government as part of their plans to occupy Australia during the second world war. They came mighty close until a raw, poorly trained and badly armed Aussie army became the first to defeat the Japanese in a WW2 battle.

Leads!  While reminiscing I almost forget we were talking about leads.  These ads were what are called lead magnets.  It’s a real thing, we still use them today.  A lead magnet is an offer designed to attract someone into becoming a prospect.

If we think of the ad for the x-ray glasses, it’s also a self-liquidating offer.  That means it is designed to pay for itself by not only generating leads but making sales.  Clever right?

Once someone has filled out the form and sent in the $1 they have become a qualified customer.  Now the company can send them more offers with the confidence of knowing they are a great lead as they already made a purchase.

As I said earlier every industry uses leads.  Most companies use outside consultants and professional leads companies to generate the leads for them.  The reason for this is the internet has taken over as the main platform for lead generation.  Of course there are many methods and sites which can produce traffic which can be turned into prospects.

The big names are Facebook, Google Adwords and Bing.  There are hundreds of others as well, they are just lesser known to most people.  I’m not going to go into it anymore than that in this post as that’s not the point.

The point of this page is to speak about the different types of leads.

Being an MLM Leads Company since 2003 we focus on the MLM niche.  Even in our niche there is a whole big wide range of types of leads.  This can be very confusing for new people.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Leads

Being MLM there are always new people coming into the MLM business.  In an attempt to make it easier for new people and even those more advanced and experienced we have produced a comprehensive guide.

It’s called Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Leads. You can get it for free by clicking on the image and entering your email address on the next page.  We promise not to spam you or share your address.  We also promise to send you more useful business building tips and advice.

Don Reid has been a success in MLM since 1992 and the owner of Apache Leads since 2003 when he founded it.  At the time he was at the Diamond level in a company called Life Force and founded this site to provide leads for his own downline.  That expanded quickly to provide quality mlm leads for everyone.

Because of his extensive experience Don has provided a lot of Free MLM Training which can also be found by clicking the book image.

The book covers every type of mlm lead.  Definitely worth a quick read if you are interested in building a home business fast and easily.

Generating your own leads is definitely possible but has a couple of drawbacks; it’s expensive, it’s difficult and it’s not your core business.  It’s better and much more profitable to work on your business rather than in your business.

If you would like to receive discount coupons, tips, tricks and advice on mlm home business building and on the numerous other methods of getting awesome leads then please do subscribe to our email list.  You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time.

We certainly hope that we have helped your understanding and also hope you have decided to join our email list.  If you have any questions or difficulties building your network marketing business, please comment below and we will respond as soon as possible.

You might also notice we have a live chat system down there in the bottom right hand corner, feel free to chat with one of our very attractive and helpful staff


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