Starting a MLM Business

May 25

Starting An MLM Business Is Not Enough To Get Rich

Starting An MLM Business Is Not Enough To Get Rich

Great words: Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a state of mind.
I got the quote from an excellent site which teaches how to manage money and how to make money ( ).

Let’s face it, many people join MLM because they are broke. We all know that. It’s sure why I first joined Amway back in 1992.

The problem is many people who join an MLM business don’t have any experience and often no concepts of how a business works.

Sadly they often think that just joining is enough to get rich.

It’s a foreign concept to them that they need to invest time and money to grow a business.

This is kind of understandable if their only real experience since leaving school is to be an employee. They know that if they turn up to work eventually they get paid.  So it’s off to work every morning and back home.

No thought about the struggles to keep that business going. No thoughts about juggling the other creditors wanting to be paid, no thought about hiring and firing, no thoughts about trying to make the sales budget.

None of these things cross the employees mind while they sit in front of the TV waiting for the time to go to bed.

Starting and owning an MLM Business is much easier than starting a traditional business.  You can walk the path to success that others before you made.  All you need to do is Contact, Present, Recruit.

You don’t need to rent an office, hire staff, advertise and get loans from the bank.  You just need to stop procrastinating and take some action. Be the leader

Part of your role as an upline is to not get frustrated by new people not understanding how business works.  Your job is to be a role model for them, to show them the way to build a business. (Yes you can be the leader, read this post )

And if you don’t know how, you need to look upline. You need to keep going upline until you find a leader who will show you the way.  Find an upline who is really crushing it and not just talking about it.

They will be the ones you see getting higher levels at functions, you will see them bringing lots of downline to events and you will probably see the company recognizing them in company magazines and websites. That’s who you want to be learning from

How to Build an MLM Business:

Contacting, Presenting, Recruiting, Leading….rinse and repeat

That’s it in a nutshell. It means, call some MLM Leads today, get them to a presentation and sign them up.  Over and over and over.  By the way Action Cures Doubt.  When you doubt you can do the business, go out and actually do it instead of sitting on your bum sucking your thumb

Here’s 7 Hardcore Tips to Stop People Quitting Your MLM Business

Can you do it?  If not let me know what your biggest challenge is and I will help you overcome

Article: Starting An MLM Business Is Not Enough To Get Rich | Article


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