Apache MLM Leads Antimonials
Recently I saw this interesting message from Dr. Glenn Livingstone.
He’s a really smart internet marketer and pay per click expert. His site is here. This is what he said:
“Apparently, the FTC is working on regulations which require marketers to show more typical results. They’re addressing a real problem … what if only 10% of customers get amazing results, whereas 90% of them lose a fortune? If we only show the top 10%, we’re misleading customers, right?
But marketers honestly be expected to aggressively display their BAD side? I’m actually in favor of it and plan to do so.
In fact, I’m COINING a new term right here and now “ANTIMONIAL(tm)”. (An Antimonial is genuinely negative customer feedback published right along with Testimonials to give more credibility and honestly to your sales presentation)
I have the opinion that honestly displaying negative feedback about your materials, along with your own response and defense of same, gives people the right to decide for themselves. And if what you’re offering has genuine value, the fact that both positive and negative commentators are displayed will make it obvious that you’re telling the whole truth.
It also puts more pressure on us as marketers to actually DELIVER, because we won’t be able to hide behind a short list of satisfied (and sometimes manic) customers anymore.
So, let’s start with this very post … let me have it please! (What am I doing wrong? How can I improve? And if you’re so inclined, what am I doing RIGHT too?)
End of message
Apache Leads are probably not classified as “marketers” We don’t really teach marketing or promise any sort of monetary returns from using our products.
However, I love the idea of being transparent, open and honest. We try hard to provide good leads and services to our clients and with good customer support at competitive prices. We do all this within our budget constraints.
Of course, your perception of how we perform may be a lot different to ours. We would appreciate it if you voiced your criticisms of Apache Leads so we can work on those areas which are not meeting your expectations.
Areas you think we should offer more or different products of services would also be very welcome.
By the same token, anything you think we are doing well with, would also be nice to hear about.
Please comment below and we will openly and honestly respond to every legitimate comment.
"Apache MLM Leads Antimonials" By Don Reid