Do you have a winning "elevator pitch"?

April 14

Do you have a winning "elevator pitch"?

Do you have a winning "elevator pitch"?

An elevator pitch is what you should be saying anytime someone asks you: What do you do?”

You need a quick succinct response which fully answers the question in a positive confident manner. Your response should just roll off your tongue and sound interesting.  Under 5 seconds is best.

Here’s an example, For Apache Leads it could be:

“I help business owners get closer to their dreams by helping them expand their businesses by matching them with business opportunity seekers.”

Maybe your business is about saving money on travel, you could say:
“I help people save money on their travel.”

That statement is short and to the point and takes about 2 to 3 seconds to say. It gives enough information to allow them to decide whether they want more information or not. If they want more information, they’ll ask:

“How does that work?”
You could answer with something like this:

“Well you know how people love to travel but to do it right usually is very expensive? Our company helps people save on their travel bills with lower rates. People love saving money, so they start telling others about it. When you do this enough times, the company starts sending you checks in the mail as their way of saying ‘thanks’.

“So imagine that you helped your friends save on their travel bills. Well, the best part is that every time your travel, you make money!”

Easy peasy right? It was short and to the point.

The result is they will either want more information or they won’t.  If they don’t that’s ok, they were not the person you were looking for.

In either case, you simply and succinctly presented your business in just a few seconds. Nobody is upset, nobody is saying no, nobody is getting rejected.

But one thing is for sure, the more people you present to in this way, the more people are going to be in your business and the closer you will be to your dreams

See what I did there, told you I bring people closer to their dreams Interested in a way to automate getting to deliver your elevator pitch?

Prospects who are interested in your elevator pitch will sign up on your lead capture page and will leave you their contact information.

Then they will be redirected to your business presentation.

You follow up with them after the presentation.  Either they will want more information about the business or they will not.  Either they will want to get started or they will not.

It doesn’t matter, you will have achieved your goal of presenting your business to more people, which is the only way your business can grow.

Why? Because that’s the only way you can sponsor new people into your business.

I truly hope this has been helpful.  If it has please share it and like it as that is pretty much paying it forward.

"Do you have a winning elevator pitch?" By Don Reid

Article: Do you have a winning elevator pitch? Article By Don Reid


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