How To Stop No-Shows

February 14

How To Stop No-Shows

How To Stop No-Shows

Are you sick of being ghosted by prospects who seemed excited by your presentation but then just don’t show up for the follow-up meeting?

You’re not alone, it happens to everyone but you can dramatically reduce it happening.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is you can never stop it 100%.

To reduce no-shows or ghosting as it’s often called these days, there are a few simple steps you can take when you are arranging the follow-up meeting with your prospect.

  • You need to have made sure you had the prospect’s interests ahead of your own during your conversation(s).

By this I mean you had to have spent considerable time listening to them and digging deep on what it is they would want from a business. You really need to have discovered through questions what their real dream is.

  • You need to have built a relationship with your prospect that is based on trust, openness, leadership, and friendliness.

They need to feel that you would definitely be there for them if they decided to go ahead with the business.

They need to know that you would teach them the ropes and show them the way.

  • If during your conversations you have brought out their pain points and dreams then they are going to be very confident that you have a genuine opportunity for them to fix their problems and to go on to achieve their dreams and goals.  They will definitely show up.
  • Let them know it’s going to be “ok” for them to tell you no.

You can say something like this: “After reviewing the information, you’re either going to love it or you’re not.  That’s fine.  Many people love it, but sometimes others don’t and that’s ok.  It’s cool to say no to me, I will be fine with it.  You could send me a text or a phone call or meet me at the agreed time and tell me no.”

The reason people disappear and don't show up is they do not want to hurt your feelings and they are afraid to say no to you. Removing that fear will definitely reduce no-shows.

This stance actually makes you look even better, more confident, more of a leader, and friendly.  It will enhance your relationship with them rather than weaken it.  Try it and see for yourself.

  • There are two types of people when it comes to appointments. We all fall into one camp or the other. There are those who are always on time and those who are always a little late. 

I’m always on time, it’s the way I was raised and I stress out if I think I’m going to be late.

So what I ask the prospect after we have set a time for the follow-up is: “Are you a person who is always on time or someone who is often a little bit late?”

No matter which way they answer, the response I use is this: “For this very important follow-up appointment can I ask you to promise me you will be on time?” 

That really does cause a lot of people to be there on time for you.

  • Confirm the appointment with a text message an hour or so before the agreed meeting time. Just like your dentist and other professionals do.

Everyone is used to being reminded about appointments these days. It will make you look even more professional and reduce no-shows.

Ok, there you have it, a few easy tips to dramatically reduce no-shows in your business.  Be sure to pass this information downline to your group so they benefit as well.

If you would like to get all the work done in the next 12 months so you can finally begin enjoying the rewards, then consider joining my Go Getters Club and get to the beaches faster.

Do you have the guts and commitment to dream big and get the lifestyle you deserve?


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