Why Dont MLM Leads Companies Give Refunds
Why Don’t MLM Leads Companies Give Refunds is a question which we have from time to time.
Well usually not in that exact wording, more usually it’s "These leads don’t work and I want a refund"
When this happens and it does now and then, it’s very distressing. We feel we have failed this client and we have probably lost them as clients forever. At Apache Leads we try very hard to provide a great experience for every client, but being realistic it’s simply not possible to please or satisfy everyone.
When it does happen, we hold a staff discussion about the whole relationship we have had with the upset client. We pinpoint when the client became upset or disappointed and work toward preventing this happening again.
I can’t speak for all mlm leads companies, but I’m sure the other good companies most likely have a similar process. No business wants clients to be distressed, dis-satisfied and angry. It’s not in anyone’s interest and so is to be avoided whenever possible.
For me to fully and honestly answer the question at hand; Why Don’t MLM Leads Companies Give Refunds, some explanations of how and why things happen is needed. Please bear with me and I will reveal all.
Lets start at the beginning.
Who are the majority of customers of mlm leads companies?
The majority of clients are ordinary people like you or me. Nothing weird, nothing special, just plain folks.
Recently they have been recruited into a network marketing business. For the vast majority, this is the very first time they have been a business owner.
If I was asked to describe the average client I would say this:
They are regular people, married, two children, a house which is mortgaged, two cars. Both parents work. They are good devoted parents and try hard to make ends meet. Their incomes are just not enough to cover their living expenses. They owe money on the cars and to numerous credit cards and maybe even some personal loans. The stress of being debt propelled has made them open to looking at an MLM business.
They have both worked for many years, dislike their jobs and want to make money to get out of debt, out of the rat race and to begin enjoying their lives. They have no real knowledge or experience with building or running a business but think it’s easy and something they can handle without any special training.
Please forgive me if you feel this is harsh, it’s gained from being involved with MLM since 1992. It is a realistic “avatar” of the average new network marketer and is not meant to be disparaging in anyway at all.
Consider this; most new Network Marketers have been employees all their working lives.
They have not been business owners nor have they been directly involved and responsible for the setting up of a business and it’s ongoing management and operations.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a criticism and there is absolutely nothing wrong with not having been a business owner previously. The reason I’m telling you this fact is so a little later in this article you will be able to better understand some things I need to explain. OK lets move on.
MLM and Network Marketing is an industry of individual business owners. Yes they are working with a large company who provides the products and the compensation but pretty much by definition the networkers are owner operators of their own business. They are not employees of the product company they work with in order to distribute products.
With this in mind it’s a good time to define the relationship with any network marketer and a mlm leads company. It’s what is referred to as a B2B relationship (business to business). This is opposed to the kind of relationship a client of McDonalds has with the company. In this case it’s a B2C (business to consumer) relationship.
There is a world of difference between these two relationships
In a B2C relationship companies bend over backwards to make the customers happy and satisfied. For example they will have very generous return / refund policies. Most people think that sort of policy is free.
It’s not. The cost of replacement is included in the price. The company figures out how much returns and “shrinkage” (theft & shoplifting) cost them per year and simply add it to the cost of what they sell. So everyone pays for it, its not free at all.
OK lets turn to mlm leads.
I’ve already written a number of articles about how mlm leads are generated. It’s a very specialized niche and requires a ton of skills. Even then, to generate MLM leads is a very expensive and risky business. Leads can cost as much as $20 each to generate!
When a lead is freshly generated is its peak of value. Each hour, each day reduces the leads value greatly. After 3 days, the lead is no longer considered fresh, it’s now an aged lead worth only a fraction of what it was worth.
Here is typical scenario of what becomes a disgruntled client wanting a refund.
The client goes to any mlm lead companies site because they are excited and want to grow their business. They’ve been told that buying mlm leads is a great way to find people interested in a home business. Being a world famous mlm leads supplier I’m not going to dispute that ha ha ha ha
They decide to buy some fresh mlm leads and as soon as the leads are delivered they jump on the phone and start talking to their prospects.
Training about how to call mlm leads? What?!? Who needs that?!?
They figure the leads will be just as excited as they are as soon as they tell them all about the greatest, most amazing product in the world and the fabulous amounts of money everyone can make.
Uh oh…. All of a sudden, the wheels fall off.
None of these supposedly good fresh mlm leads is the slightest bit interested in what they are trying to tell them. Obviously, these leads are not interested in a home business at all.
They feel they have been scammed by this lying, cheating mlm leads seller. I want a refund they scream!!
In this instance, which happens much more often than you might imagine, who is the bad guy here?
Is it the novice business owner, who didn’t bother to get any training and practice or the mlm leads company? I’ll leave that decision up to you
In an effort to minimize this type of thing happening, Apache Leads has provided FREE MLM Training for many years. It’s no secret, everything that anybody wants to do at a professional level requires training.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a rock star. I could never be bothered with all the time it would take to learn guitar or anything else about being a rock star. Probably why I’m in the leads business instead of in the rock n roll hall of fame. I didn’t bother to do the training.
You may recall that earlier I mentioned that MLM’ers are in a B2B relationship with their suppliers and this includes with their leads company. B2B relationships do not come with return/refund rights. That’s a right of consumers in a B2C situation.
Leads cost a lot of money to generate and all decent leads companies generate the best leads they can. They also sell them for the lowest price they can because, trust me, it’s a very competitive industry. There’s no fat in the price of leads. It’s an industry based on selling in volume and to do that you need to look after your clients.
Telling a lead company the leads will be returned and that a refund is expected is not something the leads company is going to agree to. If you doubt me, look in the terms and conditions posted in the footer of every mlm leads company website.
Like us, they will happily replace any bad leads.
A bad lead is not someone who didn’t want to hear what you had to say. We have no control over what a networker says to the leads. A bad lead is a lead which cannot be contacted, i.e. their phone is disconnected.
Returning the leads makes no difference, the leads company still has copies of the leads but now that they are days old, they are not worth anywhere near as much as they were.
Closing Thoughts
I know this article got a bit rough and probably I said quite a few things many people won’t like and won’t agree with. I’ve written it honestly and openly as part of our ongoing quest to pull back the curtain on the mlm leads industry so that there are no secrets, no misunderstanding between Apache Leads and its clients.
Without clients, we are nothing.
We want your success, maybe even more than you do at times. The reason we say this is obviously honest; we figure, if you buy mlm leads from Apache Leads and you become a big success you probably will recommend to your team to buy from us. Makes sense right?
Look, we know not every lead is going to be a winner.
But from where we stand we speak to hundreds of MLM’ers every week. You would be amazed at the difference in attitudes and results we see when people are using the exact same leads!
Some clients swear by them and have tremendous success, others not so much. The only difference we can ever see is the level of professionalism, attitude and training.
Those three things make a world of difference.
Look upline to when you go to a company conference or training event. The winners are grinners! They exude happiness, confidence and most importantly professionalism.
To be one of those guys, act like you are one of those guys from day one.
The good news is the opportunity to achieve and enjoy your goals and dreams is in your hands, the bad news is the opportunity to achieve and enjoy your goals and dreams is in your hands.
Choose wisely my friends, choose wisely.
Afterthoughts: this was a very difficult post to write and even more difficult deciding whether or not to publish it. On one hand I wanted to make sure there were no secrets between you and I. But it was scary to publish such a truthful, hard hitting article which was very likely to cost a lot of sales.
For those who do decide to not do business with us after reading this article, I can only say, I think you missed the point. The point being would you rather work with a guy who tells you the real truth or those who hide from it?